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5to Concurso Nacional de Fotografía de Naturaleza Mosaico Natura de CONABIO

Ciudad de México; El pasado 21 de Junio del 2019 de este año tuvimos la oportunidad de recibir la invitación por parte de CONABIO (Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad) para viajar a la Ciudad de México a la premiación del 5to. Concurso Nacional de Fotografía de Naturaleza #MosaicoNatura “Tu Visión” ya que habíamos obtenido un lugar dentro de los 3 primeros en nuestra categoría, esto concurso fue organizado por esta dependencia, con la finalidad de promover la riqueza […]


CORONADOS ISLAND PALLID BATS Last Tuesday April 3, 2018, we had an incredible experience that not only taught us a lot, but also left us a with new story to tell. Loreto has a visit from the Doctor in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California in Santa Cruz California, Winifred Frick Ph.D. and her husband Dr. Paul Heady, both experts in the study and monitoring of different species of bats in each of the islands and islets along the Gulf […]


WINIFRED FRICK AND PAUL HEADY MONITORING PALLID BATS IN RANCHO LAS PARRAS. Rancho Las Parras, Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico It was Monday, April 9 2018, and at 6:30 p.m., we again accompanied the team of Paul Heady and Winifred Frick, this time we moved to “Rancho Las Parras” to carry out a monitoring of Pallid Bats again. After a Mexican gastronomic delight among friends at the “Taqueria Los Poblanos”, Quentin Frick, Uncle Winifred, the professional photographer Richard Jackson, Tom […]

Photographing Raptor Nest

Loreto, Baja California Sur, México Monday, April 16, 2018 Today we share with you a very interesting and exciting article. I was invited to participate in a unique quest only made by a couple of people here in the community of Loreto. Two local residents, Richard Jackson and Tom Haglund, both amateur naturalists, and Richard a professional nature photographer. They spend much time exploring the wealth of plants and creatures of the area and capturing these natural treasures in photographs to share with […]