Business Consulting
Start a business is not easy, more if you don`t know about your market size and the business needs in Baja California Sur. Listen to your clients, analyze prototypes, innovate your business model are just few steps that all the process we can do for you!
Discover new business ideas, create a new business model, launch new product and services!
Discover, create and launch!
If you still don`t how to start a business here in Baja Sur, we can help you with some plan options, choose the best plan according to your needs!
Quick Market Size Analysis
- 10 hours
Up to 10 Hours of coverage
Definition of Market
Selecting sources and schemes
Data analysis and social media
Exploration resources
- 60 hours
Up to 60 Hours of coverage
Engagement session
Minimum Value Product (MVP)
Design Thinking
Empathy map
Business model Canvas
Business Model Development
- 20 hours
Up to 20 hours of coverage
Creativity session
Trends & Innovation
Empathy map
Business Model Canvas
Lean Startup application
Launching strategies
Visualize your idea and launch an experience!
A range of work and collaboration opportunities only at KDrone Films